Moving to the East Coast!

I know it's been a long looonnnggg time since the last update, but the most recent series of life events were significant enough to incentivize me to sit down and write a post! 

A couple of months ago, I decided to pack up my life and move to London (I know the title says East Coast - bear with me)! 

And despite my excitement over making the decision to move to a new country, I was conflicted about leaving my business behind, as the complexity of moving it to London just seemed too daunting. However, my mom and I had an idea of a hybrid approach - she would continue to help me deal with operations in the US (in Connecticut, where my parents live), while I work remote in London!

Basically, this means: TheCloudFactory will go on, but orders will be fulfilled in Connecticut now. And also lessens the stress on my end (as for the past 5 years, it has been a one man show), and gives me the time to use my creativity and work on the backlog of designs/kit ideas that have been queueing up in my head. It was the perfect solution - TheCloudFactory is now a family operation! 

I'm currently at home in Connecticut, showing my mom the ropes as I await my UK work visa; I'll most likely make my way across the pond in late September. Above is a pic of the newest office setup!

So far so good - orders are being processed faster, we have New York craft fairs lined up for the summer, and I'm excited to be working on some new kits and design ideas! 

If you're in the tri-state area - hope to see you around!

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